February 14, 2023

FAN’s Own Aaron Davis Appointed to Board of Prestigious ALTA Good Deeds Foundation

The American Land Title Association (ALTA) recently honored FAN’s CEO, Aaron Davis, by appointing him to the Board of its Good Deeds Foundation.

ALTA’s Good Deeds Foundation

The foundation was launched in 2020 to bolster the charitable efforts of ALTA members. Land title insurance professionals can apply for grants on behalf of recognized 501(c)(3) organizations that they support financially or through volunteer efforts; preference is given to housing-related charities.

Aaron was singled out for a number of his charitable efforts. He is an ALTA member and a past board member of the Florida Land Title Association. You may also recall that he took a temporary leave of absence from his business and volunteered in Harper, Texas, following severe winter storms in February 2021. With Davis’ support, the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation awarded the Harper Volunteer Fire Department a $5,000 emergency grant during the time of crisis. He also has been recognized by national media outlets, including People Magazine and The Kelly Clarkson Show, for his charitable service assisting Harper and other communities, including several in Southwestern Florida after Hurricane Ian, Aaron was also awarded the 2021 October Research Philanthropy Award.

Joins Some of the Industry’s Best and Brightest

Aaron joins some of the title industry’s most prolific leaders on the Foundation, including Westcor’s Mary O’Donnell; Cynthia Durham Blair of Blair, Cato, Pickren, Casterline LLC; FNF’s Steven Day; First American Title Insurance Company’s Donald Kennedy; Richard Welshons of DCA Title and ALTA’s Diane Tomb. Appointed along with Aaron, Orange Coast Title’s Bill Burding joins the Board as well.

“It is a genuine honor to be asked to serve as a member of the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation Board,” Davis said. “The title industry has been incredibly generous to me throughout my entire career. So it’s humbling to be asked to serve alongside some of the industry’s most respected and charitable leaders. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Foundation and to continue supporting the charitable efforts of our members.”

Congratulations, Aaron!



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