April 21, 2021

Have you updated your FANAgentOne app yet?

Have you updated your FANAgentOne app yet? If you haven't, its time to get moving! You're missing out on fast answers for your clients with market specific title fees, closing cost estimates in real time, and more.

Here are the new and exciting updates:

  • Comparing Multiple offers – Easily compare up to 12 offers from iBuyers, investors and traditional offers.
  • New HomeLink Feature– Simply add an address and HomeLink will pull the property tax information available for the property.
  • Video Lenses to Enhance Your Marketing – Take the promotion of your listings to another level with our new video feature.

But the best part... all of this in the palm of your hand!

NEW to FanAGENT One? Check out these videos to learn more:

You may have used our FANAgentOne app in the past, but with so many new feature that YOU'VE asked for - you have to take another look. Still not sure? Check out this PDF of the new features, or check out out by downloading the app at
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