July 27, 2022


Did you know that you can NOW act as a witness on your client’s next RON eClosing? Even if you are in a different location...

You can be remote from your Client and still be able to attend the closing as the witness!

When the closing is being scheduled for your clients, you have the ability to request that your Closing Team add you as the Witness and provide the video link for the RON eClosing.


  1. They will need your name and email address.
  2. (You will then get an email the day of the closing inviting you to join the RON eClosing)

  3. You will need to use a Laptop or Computer for this process.
  4. (You can NOT use a phone or tablet)

Want more information on relator witnesses?

Be sure to ask your local Tampa Bay Title office for more information, or for complete details on the benefits and processes of a RON eClosing, click HERE.
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